March, 2024



On December 12th, 2002 the true and proper Citizens of all the kingdoms rushed West- and then North a bit- to witness the ground-shaking update which added Agility.

Also that day appeared Cocktails, Gnome snacks of all kind, the Grand Tree quest, the fashions of Rometti, the rare Gnome War ship*, and many King Narnode Shareen's (see also Gnome Cooking Guide).

But in a quiet corner of this blighted grand land there appeared a strange, unmoving creature unique to RS, the Toad! and their equally surprising sprite, the King Worm!

Not just any Toads! These were Swamp Toads, swollen and pixelated, too big to even fit in a Bucket, and surely the slipperiest of all creatures in the kingdoms, excepting the Duke of Lumbridge.

I stopped by the swamp quite a few times to collect them, for no reason at all, until my collection was near biblical. RuneScapers do that kind of thing.

You *can* pull their legs off, and in the landscape of Runes they will grow back- maybe not in your inventory, but in our collective imagination, and according to the game message.

Not so much in real life! Frogs will grow a *thing* after losing a limb, but it isn't really the same limb. Mammals like us (me, anyway) don't grow back limbs. Newts, on the other hand, can.

However, there are no Newts in RS, that might have been a step too far for Jaggers: mobs of heavily armed and armored kids swilling ale and gouging out newt's eyes. What would their parents say? Or the librarian who thought they were doing homework?

So sadly, I never see a Newt in RS, and tragically, they never see me!

Images from 2003

Toads were fun to drop! Ignored at parties, but usually noticed in banks, their bizarre existence wasn't common knowledge- they weren't very useful!


Had an idea to start a group dedicated to the Toad- a toad clan, but what would it be? Some sort of appreciation society, definitely a protection society! And it should have an initialism everyone would use, like OMG or WDF.

So the Wilderness Toad Front was born- but the title was as far as the idea got... UNTIL NOW!

*Rare as a scam in RS1, but actually a rare in RS2, as the item doesn't spawn at all! Who knew? Classic Runescape Wiki knew!

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