STOP! If you haven't read about the 2003 PETAI and WTF complete the quiz before proceeding!

The New Swamp Toad Protectors!

M A N Y Y E A R S L A T E R . . .

Preservation Server: a haven for toads

The place, Preservation server! The date, February 29th, 2024! In celebration of the hopping year, and to commemorate those born this day getting screwed out of their birthday celebrations so many other years, Logg cobbled (coding term) together an event never seen before, and likely never to be seen again! At least until 2028.

The event began as we all knew it would- with the appearance of Toads!

Meanwhile, global chat buzzed with surprise and delight! Well, honestly, only mild curiosity, chiefly about the de-legging process. Mod L warned the players they would be banned if they did that these Toads should be respected intact, as MS Paint intended.

I managed to rescue around a dozen- try as I might, the blighters were too slick and slimy to catch easily. Classic Swamp Toad strats! But as I failed in amphibians, I gained in inspiration!

THE WTF IS Changing it's name!

The WTF (Wilderness Toad Front) had been ill-conceived from the start, and really, kind of embarrassing to explain.

But the essence of this prospective group or clan was to educate the players about Toads, and to keep safe the Swamp Toads whole and intact-- still a righteous agenda in this day and age!

To this end, I proudly announce the forging of yet another clan:

Swamp Toad Defenders!

A new fellowship

...but really a non-gender specific personship open to all, fiercely (I hope) dedicated to defend the Swamp Toad in all ways and manners as allowed by rule of Law and the Law of the Land (finders keepers) and Wilderness.

When you think toads, think love! And when you think love, think of the Swamp Toad Defenders!

So when you're visiting the Gnomes, don't forget to visit the Toads and at least say hello! When you're training Agility there, remember this is the land of the Swamp Toad!

Small we are now, yes! But mighty we shall be! And the Toads, too! Committed I am to spread the message of the Swamp Toad Defenders clan, so that someday in global and local, the STD will be on everyone's lips! When you're trading, or dueling, or lending someone a weapon, think of the STD's!

Consider joining us!! And with your help we'll spread through RS like wildfire!!

Membership Roster

So far the only member is me. But since no one can stop me, I'm also making Mod L a member, too, in thanks for the Drop. In line with my previous Clan policy, those who do *not* wish to be in the Clan can remedy their inclusion for a small fee.

Presently there is no meeting place, or membership ceremony, and of course there is no appropriate Guild, either, but I can photoshop one.

-March, 2024

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