The Small Tale is the unfinished The Big Tale, which I never wrote any further than the first page. It attempts the style of writers like Thomas Malory, and it's about real FTP player Ps6000, who encouraged me to start Fally by Night. -2024

CHAPTER I. First, how the world was in chaos, and fate turned an injustice toward friendship.

IT befell in the waxing years of the new century, the common free folk without patron, and lacking many skills, did fight and slay each other within sight of the palace of Misthalin, and more, they and all battled each other unfairly in the North, which was all in darkness and untamed.

A traveler did arrive in Lumbridge as they do, one named Ps6000 found himself friendless and without purpose, but by ambition found himself North and in turn with company, accepting the guide of a scoundrel, who preyed upon the foolish and weak, Ps6000 being both. And this scoundrel was called Monty Poo.

So when the new adventurer followed into the North, unknowing, he was slain in turn, and was reborn, awaking without, but for his armor, in Lumbridge. Grieving, he swore revenge and in desperation did recall a citizen and by means of a small bird sent private dispatch most immediately, an appeal for aid.

So arriving did Redrum Frank meet Ps, and gave his oath to teach Ps the ways of the kingdoms, on condition that in turn Ps did one day appeal to a patron, so that he might become a citizen proper, that he might travel the many Kingdoms to all corners, and too would flourish by the arts that were by some ways trials, and many forbidden thoroughly to all without regard to rank or wealth, excepting that and requiring only that they be citizens true, whether by their own means or by a patron. And Ps did swear it would be, reluctantly, fearing that he might be miserable to stay and uphold said oath one taken.

So they did travel South then West to Draynor, and Redrum did arm Ps with what things he might use, as yet being not a proper citizen. And they did travel to the great port, meeting Redrum’s brother Redbeard, who said little, but did charge Ps with a quest. Then Redrum guided Ps to a low place, where he might fish when need required, and nearby cook the fish as well, and more too fight Goblins in nearby woods, and that he might sell a scimitar of bronze; many, many times over. Then did Frank bid Ps much well luck, and so depart.

Ps6000 toiled in his work, by and by growing in strength and defense and attacking...

...and when one day he knew Redrum to be in the Kingdom sent word to him of his achievements.

While Ps improved himself, Redrum in turn achieved in letters, and as smithy, and in practice of magic.

Upon hearing news from Ps he traveled again into the public lands, and sought Ps out, finding him in Varrock where public and citizen traded in a throng. And he saw the bloodlust in Ps, and heard of his desire of vengeance, not least against the memory of Monty Poo.

Hearing these wishes and words, crass and sharp, Redrum thought no less of his friend, but was much affected and saddened, himself being a friend of Al Kharid and a Knight of Arthur besides, and more as well, and so on.

Why, said Redrum, will you have ado with all at once? Ps seeming not to hear above the voices, in appearance, but by his face his countenance did acknowledge, still silent because Frank’s words had reached him, and he having been gifted that day with advice from Frank, and many Fish as well, caught and cooked by that one.


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