The 2006 links page, updated for Today. Many old RS sites can only be seen in the Wayback Machine, but nicely, other dead links have since been revived by fans! Enjoy! I take no responsibility for your clicking though, and I am not associated with any of these sites except by coincidence and fate.

Linka dinka doo
DragonCourt a very fun, very simple adventure, free
Atari's Adventure game in Flash the dragons look like ducks!! simple and beautiful flash games that don't have dead cats or poop
HG Wells' rules for sand table gaming the 1913 guide! fire up your printer!
  CLASSIC RS SITES OF RS1 These sites are rarely or no longer updated, most offer no means of contacting their authors. They are classic sites in every sense.
Amazonia's RS site a Runite Revolutionary explains
Xx Jut Xx the site *everyone* used to find searching online in RS1 days
RS Clan History another much-sited site; RS's first wars are documented here
Sir Pohan's old site
Classic Cooking with Phil
Ben's RS1 Guide makes an old RSer feel kinda sentimental. Some RS2 stuff too.
  my favorites in RS FICTION; props given, words sent upward, roofs raised a bit
A Walking Tour of RS Emilsdottir gives herself a tour!
The first RS novel (that i know of) and it's worth reading!! by GCSE, linked with permission
Most of the big RS sites now host RS fan fiction, either in forum threads or a category of it's pwn. See also and
My RS Guidesite Link- There are so many big sites, if I had to link *one* site, I'd choose the one with the first Regicide map, the first Abysmal Whip info-- whenever I needed new info without the time to search big forums, I found it here-
Sal's Realm of RuneScape
Talk Like A Pirate Day This thing is bigger than all of us, and cannot be ignored.
Cap'n Cutlass! Arrrr!! An informative lil' site with some great links!
The Higgins Armory Museum one of the world's greatest collections of armor
Project Gutenberg putting all the books I meant to read online. Thanks! more great reading and reference
Wikipedia the open source encyclopedia
Free Stuff Plz
SPYBOT searches and destroys sneaky programs. Top reviewed and crucial.
3d title maker kinda spiffy- good for the graphically challenged freeware, shareware, demos, 'nstuff

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