I started playing RS late in 2002, and almost immediately making up my own jokes, lore, and general smart-assery. With the encouragement of some on my friends list, I eventually wrote the stuff down and posted it.

My character Redrum Frank was a reporter, which is as intrepid as you can get without carrying rope everywhere. Added to that premise: a newspaper, the Varock Slaughter Daily, which mostly just posted the daily obituaries from the Wild-- a full time effort, really.

I was just trying to put some RP in the MMO Game, and things got out of hand! Frank was unlike me in many ways, but like me in he saw significance in the details, was a smart-ass, and had a sense of justice and irony which works great when you're smiting evil-- or complaining about Jaggers. Neither of us PK!

The site faded away sometime during the push to get RuneScapers to stop playing RuneScape, a tactical move by the company running it. I restarted in RS2, leaving my main in RS1, but didn't see much room for my imagination in that newer, more illustrated game world.

This new site, started end of 2023, hopes to expand to some actual writing about the Preservation server OpenRSC, my server of choice.

So thanks for visiting, I don't know how in the name of Lag you found this place, but you're very welcome!

-March 27, 2024

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