I had no idea I played OSRS in 2011! I have some memory of buying an RS game card, this must have been when. Piece seemed sort of interesting...

Unposted OSRS editorial thing, March 28, 2011

Well its been almost _?_ years since my last update, the one where I damned the torpedoes and set to full speed-- remind me not to damn artillery again.

A lot has changed since then, just not for Redrum Frank! what's changed in RS? Let me be frank with you.

Prices have changed; in 2009 I made a decent newb's wages selling balls of wool for near 1k a pop-- now the price is less than half that. I lay wake wondering who is manufacturing and selling these balls of wool so cheaply, obsessed as i have been my whole life with the welfare of string.

What's almost as disappointing as the high price of common goods is the low price of rares- the once six million gold Dragon Medium Helmet, which in RS1 appeared as the most enviable boil or blister atop our 2d avatars, was 2 million when i finally got one, and 64k today. I wept metaphorical tears to read the exchange price, i was stunned beyond description, or lack of.

You can now toggle the censor, and those of us who remember not being able to say 'butterfly' in RS1 rejoice. Turning off the censor doesn't mean you wont get ****** for certain suspicious word combinations, like 'gt', but you can say all sorts of shit.

A new skill has appeared, the instance dungeon has finally come to RS!

Dungeoneering is a sort of minigame where you start with nothing, then unlock different doors with colored key cards to get at the boss, then start over with nothing for the next level. Before the D skill update, this cycle was called GETTING HACKED. Heh! I jest- actually it was called making a new character.

Also there are more bridges all over the place, which shows the price hike in RS membership was worth it.

death has changed...

The biggest change: No one speaks. You cannot BELIEVE how silent RS is for a game with the criticism of being nothing but a chat room. Only the legendary, 9 year old Anarchy Online is more silent, with everyone using chat channels, so that no one there has spoken out loud since summer of 2004. The effect of Clan Chat in RS has been much the same- why risk being criticized by strangers for what you say, when you can say it privately to people you slightly know?

The tree blight continues [WCers]...

My Newb Activities: You can strill make a few K standing around the exchange, however, picking up goods people drop and selling them. Average around 3k per five minutes on a busy server, and of course, *everything* is for sale, and most of it not worth the price. Dropped goods seem to go ignored in favor of paying too much money.

WHAT NEW TRICKS? for an old Choob: